Posts Tagged: ssl security

SSL case study

SSL Certificate Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Security Success Stories

I. Introduction The importance of SSL certificates in today’s digital landscape cannot be overstated. With the growing prevalence of online transactions, data breaches, and cyber threats, ensuring the security and privacy of user data has become paramount for businesses and organizations alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the real-world success stories of […]

SSL Certificate

Four reasons why you should implement SSL certificate

The fantastic green padlock next to your website’s Internet address is not only a certificate of increased security for your visitors. Owing to it, also Google’s positioning bots responsbile for website rankings will be more willing to place your website higher up the search results. Take a moment to read through the best reasons why […]

Why is it a good idea to introduce an SSL certificate?

At present, when the vast majority of financial transactions is conducted via the Internet, and websites are required to fulfil rigorous standards for personal data protection, having an SSL certificate becomes a necessity. The investment in SSL certification is not only a requirement (The Chrome 68 edition is out now and it marks websites without […]

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