Four reasons why you should implement SSL certificate

SSL Certificate

The fantastic green padlock next to your website’s Internet address is not only a certificate of increased security for your visitors. Owing to it, also Google’s positioning bots responsbile for website rankings will be more willing to place your website higher up the search results. Take a moment to read through the best reasons why each website owner should get an SSL certificate.

What is SSL anyway?

Let us start with the abbreviation – Secure Socker Layer. To put it bluntly, it renders the data transfererred between a server and an Internet user secret. Only authorised individuals can access such data. Having a website that is equipped with a green padlock next to its address seems vital at present, when it is not unheard of that data leaks occur and online user safety gains critical significance. An SSL certificate will make Internet users consider your website trustworthy. It will improve search engines’ positioning of your website as well.

1. SEO.

Website positioning is a broad and complicated matter that renders many lesser business people restless. It is difficult to promote your website that has a lot of competition for given keywords in an honest way. It requires a lot of time, experience, and funds. Therefore, it is important to follow the few Google guidelines for page positioning that Americans decided to share. These are no mere speculations of positioning experts but official information published by Google. SSL certificate postively influences the ranking of your website among search results. It is as simple as that.
Imagine your potential customers being alerted that the website they enter employs no data encryption. They will most likely leave it as soon as possible, and this, in turn, will increase your website’s rejection statistics (rejection means entering a website but not performing any action, e.g. browsing any product there). The result of this is that your rank in search results will go down. Needless to say that regaining the trust you have once lost requires some considerable effort.

2. Trust and reliability.

It has been already stated that SSL certificate helps you win the favor of Google bots. Another novelty introduced by the American networking leader is placing a note about a visit on an insecure website in an Internet browser. If you own an online store and you do not own an SSL certificate, Chrome will notify your customer that they are on an insecure website and that they are sending their personal information at their own risk – check: The Chrome 68 edition is out now and it marks websites without SSL as “not secure”. When you take the low cost of buying a ssl certificate (starting from $4.74 net/year, 1 – check: Comodo PositiveSSL) into consideration, it is worthwile to invest in it. You gain a green padlock next to your address, and it starts with „htttps” instead of „http”, which itself means that the connection is safe.

3. Ultimate phishing countermeasure.

You have heard about phishing before. Logging onto your bank account, you are frequently alerted that you should „Remember that bank employeess will never ask you to provide your logon data.” This is exactly the data in question. Hackers create websites that are strikingly similar to your official banking services. Their addresses are usually very similar, too, for instance, „” instead of „” At first, it is difficult to realize the difference, and your attempt to logon may lead to criminals getting your logon data and leaving your bank account empty. Therefore, financial institutions often employ SSL EV certificates, the one having the co-called breen bar. They offer top-notch security and the full verification of the company an EV has been provided for. In this case, the location bar will show the company details, and the bar itself should turn green (depending on your browser). If you own an onlline store or your visitors do transactions on your website, order now SSL EV certificate. In our SSL EV certificate offer, you will find certificates starting $80.85 net/year! Check: Comodo PositiveSSL EV.

4. The GDPR ordinance and the protection of sensitive data.

Let us start by sorting out the wide-spread fallacy that the GDPR ordinance orders the employment of SSL certificate on all websites. It does not. Still, it enforces them to use cryptography as the means for data protection. An SSL certificate is exactly a safety measure of this type, where all the data is encrypted with a 256-bit key.

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