The Chrome 68 edition is out now and it marks websites without SSL as “not secure”

In accordance with what was formerly announced, Google released the latest, number 68, edition of their Chrome browser on the 24th of July 2018. With its release, the long-awaited changes concerning the signalization of pages without SSL certification came into operation. At present, upon entering a page unprotected with SSL, the latest Chrome browser will signal it is insecure, and proper information will be displayed next to the location bar of the browser.

As a result, a user receives the information that the page has no active SSL protection. For them, this suggest that the page is potentially dangerous should they decide to transfer any data onto it. For the site owner, in turn, this may lead to a serious decrease of page visitors. According to the figures from the latest transparency report concerning, among others, network transfers that has been prepared by Google:
– 76% of data traffic via Chrome on Android is encrypted – an increase from 42%
– 85% of data traffic via Chrome on ChromeOS is encrypted – an increase from 67%
– 83 out of top 100 WWW pages utilise HTTPS – is encrypted – an increase from 37.
As pointed out by Google, the increase in traffic conducted via https is rather time-consuming, and the flagging of pages without ssl certification is only the beginning of changes to come. The following ones will be introduced with the realeases of the upcoming Chrome versions. A significant change that is planned is the introduction of the Red alert box saying „Not secure” while inserting data into a form on a website that does not use SSL certification. This change is scheduled for introduction for the October o 2018 with the reales of the 70 edition of Chome.

Before that is introduced, however, Google plans to change the way the information about a website being SSL-protected or not will be displayed. So far, it has been The „Secure” information next to a padlock icon. The 69 Chrome edition will either have the padlock icon without the „Secure” alert or no information about it whatsoever – the same way it has been with the pages without an operating SSL certificate.
The above-mentioned changes are in the planning stage, and there is no certainty if they will be introduced at all.

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