New EnterpriseSSL certificates from Comodo

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We are pleased to inform you that our offer has been extended with the latest SSL certificates from Comodo. These are SSL certificates from the EnterpriseSSL certificates group. These are not only certificates that guarantee the highest level of security but also the prestige for a company that uses such SSL certificates. All certificates in this group are characterized by the highest guarantees from $ 1,500,000 to $ 2,000,000 (the highest in the SSL certificate industry), but also a dynamic seal displaying the details of a company using such certificate. 5 Comodo EnterpriseSSL SSL certificates have been added to our offer:

Comodo Enterprise SSL – OV certificate, with a dynamic seal and warranty up to $1,500,000.

Comodo EnterpriseSSL Pro – OV certificate, with a dynamic seal and warranty up to $ 1,500,000 and ECC encryption.

Comodo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV – EV certificate with a green browser address bar and with the highest available warranty up to $ 2,000,000 and ECC encryption.

Comodo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV Multi-Domain (MDC) – EV certificate, with a green browser address bar and with the highest available warranty up to $ 2,000,000 and ECC encryption. In addition, the certificate is a Multi-Domin certificate, which provides protection for additional domains. At the time of ordering, the certificate is delivered with 3 SAN domains – one with CSR and two additional. The certificate provides protection for up to 250 domains.

Comodo EnterpriseSSL Pro Wildcard – OV certificate, ensuring protection to unlimited subdomains with warranty up to $ 1,500,000 and ECC encryption.

If you have any questions regarding our offer do not hesitate to contact us!


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