HTTP/2 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2) is a newer, more efficient version of the HTTP internet protocol used for network communication between a web browser and a server. The previous version was developed more than 20 years ago and, although it is still in use, it no longer fully meets the needs of modern websites due to numerous limitations. Compared to those from the 1990s, today’s websites are richer in graphics, stylesheets, scripts, and CSS styles.
Is it worth implementing HTTP/2?
The HTTP/2 protocol primarily streamlines communication between the browser and the server, potentially doubling webpage loading speeds. Its greatest advantage is speed, achieved mainly by reducing the number of requests the browser has to send to the server. When visiting an HTTP/2 site, you establish a single connection to the server that stays active until you leave the page. In contrast, using the older HTTP/1.1 version, the browser generated hundreds of requests, placing a heavy load on the server and directly slowing down the loading of individual webpage elements. The new HTTP/2 protocol is an intelligent solution that also supports parallel downloading of multiple page elements such as JS files, CSS, and images. Another important improvement is the prioritization of more essential resources, which further enhances loading speed. In older HTTP versions, each request to the server was queued. Additionally, HTTP/2 converts requests into binary form, making data transmission more efficient and resulting in far fewer errors than when using a text-based format. All the changes introduced in this new version of the HTTP protocol were driven by the need to improve server response times. Faster server responses directly translate into shorter loading times for webpages displayed on users’ computers.
HTTP/2 requires an SSL certificate
For HTTP/2 to work, the website must have an SSL certificate. Although the protocol specification does not explicitly state that SSL is required, in practice a site must run over HTTPS to take advantage of the newest protocol. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is the secure version of HTTP with an SSL certificate installed.
What exactly is an SSL certificate and how does it work?
An SSL certificate is a small piece of software installed on a server. It allows the server to be authenticated and enforces a secure connection. Thus, SSL certificates enable secure transmission of encrypted data, ensuring the confidentiality of that data. If a website does not have SSL encryption, forms and other information are sent to the server as plain text, which can be easily intercepted, modified, and misused.
Is having HTTP/2 necessary?
If your website has an SSL certificate installed and speed is a priority, it’s worthwhile to host it on servers that offer the latest technologies, including HTTP/2. The main advantage of this protocol is, as mentioned several times, the acceleration of page loading – which users will certainly appreciate. Moreover, enabling HTTP/2 on your server might be treated as a ranking factor by Google, which could improve your site’s position in search results. Thus, this newer version of the internet protocol can help improve your website’s SEO performance.