SSL Articles


Four myths concerning SSL certificates

There is a large number of myths that have appeared around SSL certification. Worse still, they may actually discourage you from purchasing SSL security for your site. The knowledge of general public concerning this topic still appears to be quite small. Therefore, we chose four myths that are especially common on the Internet. Our aim […]

Why is SSL certification so important?

All of the motions concerning Internet safety are becoming increasingly important and popular these days. Users pay more and more attention to the security measures taken in online services aiming at preventing sensitive data leakages (passwords, personal information etc.). One of the most important elements of an online store is an SSL certificate, whose main […]

Data Protection

How to secure your website? User data protection

In larger coompanies, there is usually specialized personnel that deals with personal data protection, but not every company can afford that. Because there is the rising need for the knowledge on how to protect personal information of website users efficiently, we decided to pprepare a short guide, where we pointed out the most important and […]

What’s SSL? The basics of SSL certificates

What’s SSL? SSL stands for the English Secure Sockets Layer. It is an encryption technology introduced by the Netscape company in the nineties of the previous century. SSL builds an encrypted connection between an Internet server and the visitor’s Internet browser. It enables you to send private data, while making tapping, data manipulation or message […]

Why is it a good idea to introduce an SSL certificate?

At present, when the vast majority of financial transactions is conducted via the Internet, and websites are required to fulfil rigorous standards for personal data protection, having an SSL certificate becomes a necessity. The investment in SSL certification is not only a requirement (The Chrome 68 edition is out now and it marks websites without […]

What is an SSL Wildcard certificate?

The SSL Wildcard protocol is a certificate that enables user to secure an unlimited number of subdomains within a given domain. Its primary advantage is that it provides protection not only for the domain itself, but also for all the subdomains it contains.

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