New SSL Certificates vendor in our offer: Certum

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We are pleased to announce that we have added Certum SSL certificates to our offer. Certum is the largest and also the longest operating SSL certificates vendor in Poland. Formerly operating within Unizeto Technologies, currently Asseco. At the moment we offer 7 SSL certificates (more to come). Certificates offered by us can be used to protect single domains or subdomains as well as to encrypt and digitally sign e-mails.

Certum Commercial SSL – is the basic SSL certificate for protection of a single domain. This certificate is Domain Validated (DV) and it takes up to 1 hour to issue it. In addition, together with the certificate, you will receive a warranty of 200,000 €

Certum Commercial SSL Wildcard– this certificate is similar to Commercial SSL with the difference that with this certificate we can protect the main domain and unlimited number of subdomains of the main domain. Commercial SSL Wildcard is also a DV certificate with issuance time up to 1 hour and a warranty of 200,000 €.

Certum Trusted SSL – Trusted SSL certificate is a more advanced SSL certificate designed to protect commercial websites as well as public institutions websites. The certificate is OV (Business/Organization Validation), where company data are thoroughly verified. The certificate has a warranty up to 400,000 € making this certificate one of the best OV certificates available on the market. With this certificate, you can protect single domain.

Certum Trusted SSL Wildcard – as in the case of Trusted SSL, the certificate is OV (Business/Organization Validation) with warranty up to 400,000 €, additionally delivered with Wildcard option, where it can protect unlimited subdomain of the main domain (together with main domain) for which this certificate will be generated.

Certum Individual ID E-mail – is a unique ssl certificate to digitaly sign and encrypt e-mails. This solution is unique not only because of the warranty 6,000 € but also because of the possibility of generating it for 3 years! Certum Individual ID E-mail is addressed to individuals who want to ensure the confidentiality of their e-mail correspondence. The e-mail address for which the certificate will be issued is entered in the certificate field.

Certum Business ID E-mail – is a certificate intended for use in business. With it, you will ensure the confidentiality and credibility of business e-mail correspondence. You can digitally sign messages not only with an email address but also with your name and company name. Certum Business ID is an ideal solution for people who appreciate the highest level of security, that’s why the certificate is delivered in validation OV (Business / Organization Validation) with thorough verification and warranty up to 60,000 €. And as with Individual ID E-mail, Business ID E-mail can be ordered in 3-year option! All this makes Certum Business ID E-mail a unique and competitive solution to protect your company’s e-mail correspondence.

Certum Premium EV SSL – is an EV certificate that guarantees the highest level of security and trust. Accurate and multi-stage verification ensures the authenticity and credibility of the entity for which Certum Premium EV was generated. Along with the certificate, you also receive a clear sign of applying the highest level of security by displaying the green browser address bar along with the company name. In addition to the certificate, you get the highest warranty available on the market: 1,000,000 €. Certum Premium EV is an ideal solution for transaction websites, bank websites, as well as e-commerce websites and wherever the highest level of security and trust is the most important.

The full offer of Certum SSL certificates is available at: Certum SSL Certificates. If you have additional questions, please contact us: Contact

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