Sectigo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV (formerly Comodo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV) SSL Certificate is a 256-bit ssl certificate that provides the maximum level of trust and assurance that can be obtained from an SSL and Sectigo certificate. Recognized by 99.9% of current Internet users, SSL certificates from the EnterpriseSSL certificate group are the perfect way to secure your corporate server. In addition, Extended Validation (EV) guarantees full verification of the company, and the increased warranty up to $2 000 000 along with the display of full company data ensures the highest level of security that can be obtained using an SSL certificate.
All EnterpriseSSL certificates are delivered with a dynamic seal. This means that if you click on such a seal on the website, the company’s data, the current date/time and possibly additional information about the company for which such a dynamic seal has been generated will be displayed.